Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wed. Sept. 8 ALL CLASSES

Reminder: No gum, food, or drinks. Keep all bags on divider shelf.

Do Now:
Read one of the following posts about what might have been in history

If Hitler Was Stopped Before WWII


If MacArthur Had Nuked China

1. Teacher demonstration on creating a classwork blog on blogger.com
2. As your first blog post, please respond and react to the article you read for the Do Now. You may conduct additional research on the topic. Write 8-15 sentences.
3. DOWNLOAD and READ the pdf on the 2011 NHD Theme.
4. More NHD info: http://www.nationalhistoryday.org/GettingStarted.htm

  • By FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, send 3-5 ideas you have for NHD to mirandagt2014@gmail.com
  • By MONDAY SEPTEMBER 13, email me your PHOTO and BLOG address (example: http://conhigh2014.blogspot.com)

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