Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thurs. 9/30 Period 4

Students will be introduced to service learning concepts.
Students will continue to research and brainstorm topics for NHD (Debate & Diplomacy).

Do Now: IMC side- story of the two doorways/ class discussion/ intro to service learning.

Brain break: stretch and pressure points

Choice #1 (NHD)
Read The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. ON YOUR BLOG, write 3 things you learned and how what you learned could connect to making your NHD project more creative.

Choice #2 (Service)
Read this article about a Rutger's freshman who committed suicide after his roommate broadcast a private encounter over the internet and "outed" him.
ON YOUR BLOG, explain what you think the penalty should be for this type of offense. Did his roommate break the law, or is it bigger than that? How can you prevent cyberbullying in our school?

Continue discussing and researching your NHD project ideas- use Google Books, iTunes podcasting, Free Library of Philadelphia, and traditional search methods.

Don't forget- PRIMARY SOURCES!!!

Time permitting: begin to research ideas for community and school based service projects.

1. Continue reading and researching your NHD ideas. Even though you do not have my class for the next few weeks, you must continue researching your topic and discussing with history teachers and group members
2. Consider ways you would like to be the change you wish to see in the world. Email me 3-5 ideas by Tues. Oct 5

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