Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Sept 20, PERIOD 2

Objective: Students will learn about US diplomatic choices in WWII.

Students will study primary source documents to understand 'a picture is worth a thousand words.'

Do Now: Examine this site on US choices for diplomacy and war. ON YOUR BLOG, list 3-5 things you learned.


1. Class discussion of NHD topic, Debate and Diplomacy

2. Discussion of Search and Primary Sources

3. Choose 3 primary sources from The Constitution. On your blog:

  • OBSERVE details- What do you notice? What doesn’t make sense?
  • REFLECT - What did you learn? Who made this? Why? How? Who was its intended audience?
  • QUESTION- What further research do you need to complete? What is the purpose of this source?

Homework: DOWNLOAD and READ the pdf on the 2011 NHD Theme and More NHD info:


A wealth of material is available about the Constitution. Below are a few “starter” resources.

American Memory Timeline

American Memory Timeline: The New Nation

Primary Documents in American History

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