Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thurs. 9/30 Period 4

Students will be introduced to service learning concepts.
Students will continue to research and brainstorm topics for NHD (Debate & Diplomacy).

Do Now: IMC side- story of the two doorways/ class discussion/ intro to service learning.

Brain break: stretch and pressure points

Choice #1 (NHD)
Read The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. ON YOUR BLOG, write 3 things you learned and how what you learned could connect to making your NHD project more creative.

Choice #2 (Service)
Read this article about a Rutger's freshman who committed suicide after his roommate broadcast a private encounter over the internet and "outed" him.
ON YOUR BLOG, explain what you think the penalty should be for this type of offense. Did his roommate break the law, or is it bigger than that? How can you prevent cyberbullying in our school?

Continue discussing and researching your NHD project ideas- use Google Books, iTunes podcasting, Free Library of Philadelphia, and traditional search methods.

Don't forget- PRIMARY SOURCES!!!

Time permitting: begin to research ideas for community and school based service projects.

1. Continue reading and researching your NHD ideas. Even though you do not have my class for the next few weeks, you must continue researching your topic and discussing with history teachers and group members
2. Consider ways you would like to be the change you wish to see in the world. Email me 3-5 ideas by Tues. Oct 5

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

WED. SEPT 29, Period 4


Students will consider creative ways to narrow NHD topic/frame their debate
Students will learn a variety of methods for conducting historical research.
Students will practice finding podcasts and google books on their topics.

DO NOW: Read about how one couple's struggle helped changed the laws of the land. Discuss with your partner how you could apply what you learned to your topic choice.

Which local museums might be useful to your NHD project? How and Why?

As a class:
  • Teacher will demonstrate google books and iTunes podcasts for historical research

2. Search for your NHD topic idea
3. On your blog or in an email to write/record:
  • Title and author
  • Copy URL (website address)
  • 3-5 facts from the book
Time Permitting: Find a podcast on your topic. (iTunes)

  • Students are actively engaged in demonstration and research process
  • Students complete classwork (blog/email)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday Sept 27, PERIOD 4

Objective: Students will learn about US diplomatic choices in WWII.

Students will study primary source documents to understand 'a picture is worth a thousand words.'

Do Now: Examine this site on US choices for diplomacy and war. ON YOUR BLOG, list 3-5 things you learned.


1. Class discussion of NHD topic, Debate and Diplomacy

2. Discussion of Search and Primary Sources

3. Choose 3 primary sources from The Constitution. On your blog:

  • OBSERVE details- What do you notice? What doesn’t make sense?
  • REFLECT - What did you learn? Who made this? Why? How? Who was its intended audience?
  • QUESTION- What further research do you need to complete? What is the purpose of this source?

Homework: DOWNLOAD and READ the pdf on the 2011 NHD Theme and More NHD info:


A wealth of material is available about the Constitution. Below are a few “starter” resources.

American Memory Timeline

American Memory Timeline: The New Nation

Primary Documents in American History

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fri. Sept. 24 PERIOD 2

Objectives: Students will be introduced to service learning concepts.
Students will continue to research and brainstorm topics for NHD (Debate & Diplomacy).

Do Now: IMC side- discussion of the two doorways/ intro to service learning

Classwork: Continue discussing and researching your NHD project ideas. Time permitting, you may begin to research ideas for community and school based service projects.

1. Continue reading and researching your NHD ideas. Email me about your progress by Fri. Oct. 1
2. Consider ways you would like to be the change you wish to see in the world. Email me 3-5 ideas by Fri. Oct 1.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thurs. 9/23 PERIOD 2

Objective: Students will discover a variety of methods for conducting historical research.
Students will practice finding podcasts and google books on their topics.

Which local museums might be useful to your NHD project? How and Why?

  • Teacher will demonstrate google books and iTunes podcasts for historical research
  • Students will actively practice using variety of media and sources for historical research
  • Students will blog or email their findings (3 sources)
2. Search for your NHD topic idea
3. On your blog or in an email to write/record:
  • Title and author
  • Copy URL (website address)
  • 3-5 facts from the book
  • Students are actively engaged in demonstration and research process
  • Students complete classwork (blog/email)

Wed. Sept 22 - PERIOD 4


Students will be introduced to key concepts of 'primary sources' and 'historical research process'.

Students will be introduced to a variety of topics suitable for NHD

Do Now: Examine this site on US choices for diplomacy and war. ON YOUR BLOG, list 3-5 things you learned.


  • Students will discuss with classmates: What is HISTORICAL RESEARCH?
  • Students will examine and discuss several examples of NHD theme Debate and Diplomacy: Successes, Failures and Consequences
  • Students will brainstorm ideas for further research and email


What successful debates helped the American Revolution?
  • Thomas Paine
What failures of diplomacy caused the American Revolution?
  • Ben Franklin in England

The Decision to drop the Atomic Bomb
(Hiroshima, Nagasaki)

Origins of the Immigration Debate

Debates in framing the Constitution:

Debates about civil liberties
  • Censorship

Consequences of reform movements
  • Temperance/Rise of Organized Crime
  • Temperance/Women winning Right to Vote (19th amendment)
Supreme Court Debates
  • Brown v Board


Monday, September 20, 2010

Tues. Sept 21, PERIOD 2


Students will be introduced to key concepts of 'primary sources' and 'historical research process'.

Students will be introduced to a variety of topics suitable for NHD

Do Now: REVIEW: Read What is a Primary Source

  • Students will discuss with classmates: What is HISTORICAL RESEARCH?
  • Students will examine and discuss several examples of NHD theme Debate and Diplomacy: Successes, Failures and Consequences
  • Students will brainstorm ideas for further research and email


What successful debates helped the American Revolution?
  • Thomas Paine
What failures of diplomacy caused the American Revolution?
  • Ben Franklin in England

The Decision to drop the Atomic Bomb
(Hiroshima, Nagasaki)

Origins of the Immigration Debate

Debates in framing the Constitution:

Debates about civil liberties
  • Censorship

Consequences of reform movements
  • Temperance/Rise of Organized Crime
  • Temperance/Women winning Right to Vote (19th amendment)
Supreme Court Debates
  • Brown v Board


Monday Sept 20, PERIOD 2

Objective: Students will learn about US diplomatic choices in WWII.

Students will study primary source documents to understand 'a picture is worth a thousand words.'

Do Now: Examine this site on US choices for diplomacy and war. ON YOUR BLOG, list 3-5 things you learned.


1. Class discussion of NHD topic, Debate and Diplomacy

2. Discussion of Search and Primary Sources

3. Choose 3 primary sources from The Constitution. On your blog:

  • OBSERVE details- What do you notice? What doesn’t make sense?
  • REFLECT - What did you learn? Who made this? Why? How? Who was its intended audience?
  • QUESTION- What further research do you need to complete? What is the purpose of this source?

Homework: DOWNLOAD and READ the pdf on the 2011 NHD Theme and More NHD info:


A wealth of material is available about the Constitution. Below are a few “starter” resources.

American Memory Timeline

American Memory Timeline: The New Nation

Primary Documents in American History

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wed. Sept. 8 ALL CLASSES

Reminder: No gum, food, or drinks. Keep all bags on divider shelf.

Do Now:
Read one of the following posts about what might have been in history

If Hitler Was Stopped Before WWII


If MacArthur Had Nuked China

1. Teacher demonstration on creating a classwork blog on
2. As your first blog post, please respond and react to the article you read for the Do Now. You may conduct additional research on the topic. Write 8-15 sentences.
3. DOWNLOAD and READ the pdf on the 2011 NHD Theme.
4. More NHD info:

  • By FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, send 3-5 ideas you have for NHD to
  • By MONDAY SEPTEMBER 13, email me your PHOTO and BLOG address (example:


1. Students will creat a gmail account to facilitate communication between peers and staff.

2. Students will create a google blog to post reflections and assignments as part of their electronic portfolio.

3. Students will learn to use Photobooth to take a self-portrait.

Do Now:
Use Photobooth to take a self portrait. Drag your photo to the desktop. Rename the file as your first name and first initial of your last name- example- JaneD.jpg

Class Activities:
1. Whole group interactive ice breaker
2. Follow teacher demonstration to create a gmail account.
3. Follow teacher demonstration to create a blog.
4. First blog post- 5 things about yourself that you would like to share, 5 things you learned about your classmates from the first activity, 5 things you learned about the teacher or class.

Complete any unfinished class activites by Wed. Sept. 8