Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Week of Feb 24-28 (Art Room 501)

1. Students determine classroom procedures and consequences in the art room
2. Set up their tables and bring in supplies
3. Review and examine types and functions of Greek pottery
4. Design and create an example of Greek pottery using paper mache techniques
5. Work alone or with a partner to learn art techniques and procedures


  • Set up supplies and procedures for each class 
  • Review supplies list and homework assignment 
  • Review form and design for Grecian urns : and
  • Sketch one example of Greek pottery and turn in for exit ticket  
HOMEWORK (all week): Bring in supplies- especially NEWSPAPERS and OLD SHIRT (MASKING tape, pencils, sketchbook, glue sticks, scissors)

  • Set up tables: Cups with 2 parts water, one part glue; newspaper; paintbrushes; balloons; paper towels, markers
  • Review procedure for paper mache pottery: Steps 1-3
  • Cut newspaper into strips/squares
  • Blow up and tie off balloons- NOT TOO BIG or they will POP
  • Carefully apply layers of newspaper and mache mix as demonstrated by Ms T
  • When balloon is covered, write your name in marker on a white paper and paper mache it to your balloon
  • Find a safe space to keep your balloon on prep table. BE CAREFUL of OTHERS WORK TOO
  • Clean up your table
  • Set up tables: Cups with 2 parts water, one part glue; newspaper; paintbrushes; CARD STOCK; paper towels, markers, example sheets of various pottery forms
  • Review procedure for paper mache pottery: Steps 1-3 (Ballard Spahr students, absent students) and Steps 4-6  (Students who completed Steps 1-3)
  • Choose a design from template sheet and cut card stock to recreate the form (base, lip, and handles)
  • Carefully apply layers of newspaper and mache mix as demonstrated by Ms T
  • When balloon is covered, write your name in marker on a white paper and paper mache it to your balloon
  • Find a safe space to keep your balloon on prep table. BE CAREFUL of OTHERS WORK TOO
  • Clean up your table
  • Set up tables: Black paint, cups with water, newspaper for table cover, brushes, your project
  • Paint your entire pottery black (see me for different color)
  • On the bottom or inside, tape your name tag
  • Find a safe space to keep your project on prep table. BE CAREFUL of OTHERS WORK TOO
  • Clean up your table
HOMEWORK (all week): Bring in supplies- especially NEWSPAPERS and OLD SHIRT (MASKING tape, pencils, sketchbook, glue sticks, scissors)

Pottery Forms Handout: 

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