Thursday, May 22, 2014

FINAL: Artist Research Project

For your FINAL in Art History/Cultural Studies, please complete research on a visual artist and present your findings in a Google Presentation or site. Specifics are below:

Choice 1: 

Objective: Students will use GOOGLE PRESENTATION  to create a slide show highlighting the life and work of an artist from this list or their own choice:

Renaissance Artists: Leonardo Da Vinci, Sandro Boticelli, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, Jan Van Eyck, Caravaggio, Bosch (or other of your choice)

Impressionist Artists: Van Gogh, Monet, Manet, Cassatt, Seurot, Cezanne, Dega, Renoir, Pissaro (or other of your choice)

Cubist Artists: Picasso, Braque, Cezanne, Leger, Villon (or other of your choice)

Surrealist Artists: Dali, Ernst, Magritte, Miro, Duchamp (or other of your choice)

Harlem Renaissance Artists: Jacob Lawrence, Bearden, Aaron Douglas, Palmer Hayden, Laura Wheeling Waring (or other of your choice)

Latin American Artists: Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Jose Bernal (or other of your choice)

Other Modern Artists: Warhol, Wyeth, Jackson Pollock, Rodin, Basquiat, Banksy, Shep Fairey, Keith Haring, Roy Lichtenstein (or other of your choice)

Images and Bios can be found at and


Slide 1:
Your Name
Artist’s Full Name
Portrait or Photograph of artist

Slide 2
Biographical Info:
  1. Place/date of birth:
  2. Place/date of death:
  3. Interesting/Personal information on the artist
  4. Favorite Quote about or from the artist

Slide 3
  1. Primary type of artwork (ex: painting? drawing? sculpture? printmaking? ceramics)
  2. Media (what materials are use?):
  3. Style or period of art?
  4. Short definition of that style or period (see Artlex or Artcyclopedia):
Slide 4
  1. Three other artists who work in this style (from the time period of the artist - or contemporary artists working in this same style). How is the work similar? How is the work different?
  2. Timeline (include some key world events that may have influenced this artist) :
Slides 5 - 9
As you are doing your research SAVE FIVE (5) images of the artist's work to your disk (or folder on server). Place one image on each slide
For each image:
  1. Title:
    Date: Media: Size:
    Location (museum/collection):
    URL/ site address:
  2. Title:
    Date: Media: Size:
    Location (museum/collection):
    URL/ site name (or book source if scanned):
  3. Title:
    Date: Media: Size:
    Location (museum/collection):
    URL/ site name (or book source if scanned):
  4. Title:
    Date: Media: Size:
    Location (museum/collection):
    URL/ site name (or book source if scanned):
  5. Title:
    Date: Media: Size:
    Location (museum/collection):
    URL/ site name (or book source if scanned):
Slides 10 and 11
Choose one of those pieces of art and answer the following questions:
  1. What is the subject matter?
  2. Genres. Is this a still life (group of things)? a portrait (a painting, drawing or sculpture of a person)? or a landscape/seascape/cityscape (picture of the land/water/city)? other (explain)?
  3. Style/form: Is this artwork realistic (as real as possible)? abstract (distorted reality)? non-objective (as far from reality as possible)? symbolic? functional? other (explain)?
  4. Description. Identify the sensory qualities (art elements). Can you identify a color scheme? Why do you think the artist might have chosen the colors she/he did? Do they make sense? What kind of lines did the artist use? How does the texture add to the work? etc.
  5. Discuss the formal properties - use of design principles.
  6. Interpretation. What do you think the artists was trying to say? Why do you think he/she chose this subject?
  7. What feeling does this artwork give you and why?
  8. What part of the artwork is your favorite and why?
  9. Judgment: Defend this as a work of art using one of the theories of aesthetics (or combination): Art as Realism - Art for Formal Properties - Art as Expression - Art as Functional
Slide 12
Bibliography (Minimum of three sources you used)

Choice 2:

Using, create a website on an artist (your choice) that includes the following

Artist Web Site
  1. Historical background as it relates to the time period that the body of the artist’s work was completed.
  2. What is the genre or period classification of work done by the artist.
  3. What are the criteria used to classify the genre of the artist’s work.
  4. A reflection on what you think about the artist’s work.
  5. TWO critiques of specific artwork (symbolism, methods, finished product).
  6. Was this artist recognized (fame, money) in his or her own lifetime? How has the artist's value changed over time? Why?
  7. The impact this artist had on their time period and their impact today.
  8. A picture gallery with at least 10 cited examples of the Artist's work.
  9. Layout, colors, and style is creative and appropriate.
  10. A complete bibliography of all resources must be included.
  11. Follows Rubric and Scoring Guide requirements.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Week of Feb 24-28 (Art Room 501)

1. Students determine classroom procedures and consequences in the art room
2. Set up their tables and bring in supplies
3. Review and examine types and functions of Greek pottery
4. Design and create an example of Greek pottery using paper mache techniques
5. Work alone or with a partner to learn art techniques and procedures


  • Set up supplies and procedures for each class 
  • Review supplies list and homework assignment 
  • Review form and design for Grecian urns : and
  • Sketch one example of Greek pottery and turn in for exit ticket  
HOMEWORK (all week): Bring in supplies- especially NEWSPAPERS and OLD SHIRT (MASKING tape, pencils, sketchbook, glue sticks, scissors)

  • Set up tables: Cups with 2 parts water, one part glue; newspaper; paintbrushes; balloons; paper towels, markers
  • Review procedure for paper mache pottery: Steps 1-3
  • Cut newspaper into strips/squares
  • Blow up and tie off balloons- NOT TOO BIG or they will POP
  • Carefully apply layers of newspaper and mache mix as demonstrated by Ms T
  • When balloon is covered, write your name in marker on a white paper and paper mache it to your balloon
  • Find a safe space to keep your balloon on prep table. BE CAREFUL of OTHERS WORK TOO
  • Clean up your table
  • Set up tables: Cups with 2 parts water, one part glue; newspaper; paintbrushes; CARD STOCK; paper towels, markers, example sheets of various pottery forms
  • Review procedure for paper mache pottery: Steps 1-3 (Ballard Spahr students, absent students) and Steps 4-6  (Students who completed Steps 1-3)
  • Choose a design from template sheet and cut card stock to recreate the form (base, lip, and handles)
  • Carefully apply layers of newspaper and mache mix as demonstrated by Ms T
  • When balloon is covered, write your name in marker on a white paper and paper mache it to your balloon
  • Find a safe space to keep your balloon on prep table. BE CAREFUL of OTHERS WORK TOO
  • Clean up your table
  • Set up tables: Black paint, cups with water, newspaper for table cover, brushes, your project
  • Paint your entire pottery black (see me for different color)
  • On the bottom or inside, tape your name tag
  • Find a safe space to keep your project on prep table. BE CAREFUL of OTHERS WORK TOO
  • Clean up your table
HOMEWORK (all week): Bring in supplies- especially NEWSPAPERS and OLD SHIRT (MASKING tape, pencils, sketchbook, glue sticks, scissors)

Pottery Forms Handout: 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Do Now: Review the SEVEN WONDERS links from last week: Tour the SEVEN WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD:

Classwork: Continue working on one of the following projects, which we did not complete due to snow days:

  1. Create a travel brochure for ONE or MORE of the SEVEN WONDERS, or one of the famous Roman or Greek buildings. Follow the directions to do it in Google Docs: (100 pts) 
    1. For ideas: Check out
  2. Experiment with Google Drawing,  Try or go back and use to recreate one of the seven wonders, or attempt to draw famous works of Greek and Roman Art/Architecture.
  3. Use paper, markers, and scissors to create a pop-up of the Seven Wonders (hand drawn):
  4.  Use 3D Google software Sketch-Up to design an ancient wonder.
    1. Download Sketchup for Education: 
    2. Watch tutorials:  OR
    3. Example templates are here:

Extra: Look at the Golden Ratio. How does it apply to art and architecture in the ancient world? 

Assessment: Email/share with your completed travel brochure or drawing/recreation or 3D design.

HOMEWORK: Bring in SUPPLIES: NEWSPAPERS/magazines, 2 glue sticks, 1 pair scissors, pack of crayons, colored pencils, or pastels, sketchbook, 3 pencils

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Do Now: Write down/email/text yourself list of supplies you will need starting TUES FEB 18
  • 2 glue sticks
  • 1 pair scissors
  • sketchbook
  • 3 pencils
  • pack of crayons or pastels
Classwork: Continue working on your project from yesterday

HW: BRING IN SUPPLIES!!! Also: Notice 2-5 beautiful shapes, colors, or designs and take a picture or note down the items. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

TUES Feb 11- Fri Feb 14

Do Now: Write down/email/text yourself list of supplies you will need starting TUES FEB 18
  • 2 glue sticks
  • 1 pair scissors
  • sketchbook
  • 3 pencils
  • pack of crayons or pastels
Classwork: Continue working on your project from yesterday

HW: Notice 2-5 beautiful shapes, colors, or designs and take a picture or note down the items. 


Classwork: Pick ONE project and complete.
  1. Create a travel brochure for ONE or MORE of the SEVEN WONDERS, or one of the famous Roman or Greek buildings. Follow the directions to do it in Google Docs: (100 pts) 
    1. For ideas: Check out
  2. Experiment with Google Drawing,  Try or go back and use to recreate one of the seven wonders, or attempt to draw famous works of Greek and Roman Art/Architecture.
  3. Use paper, markers, and scissors to create a pop-up of the Seven Wonders (hand drawn):
  4.  Use 3D Google software Sketch-Up to design an ancient wonder.
    1. Download Sketchup for Education: 
    2. Watch tutorials:  OR
    3. Example templates are here:

Extra: Look at the Golden Ratio. How does it apply to art and architecture in the ancient world?

Assessment: Email/share with your completed travel brochure or drawing/recreation or 3D design.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Art History Unit 2: Ancient Greek Arts

Do Now: Go through the POWERPOINTS to become familiar with the basics of Greek Art
  • Classwork: Continue to become familiar with Greek art using the resources below

ASSESSMENT: Email with 3-5 things you learned about Greek art and architecture.

Homework: Take a picture or note down a building or other artifact that takes from Greek art and architecture.