Tuesday, June 5, 2012


For your final grade, get 3 people to play your game and email me assessments based on

  • How fun is it? (5-7-10 points)
  • How original is it? (5-7-10 Points)
  • Does it make sense? (5-7-10 points)
  • Are the pieces well designed (color/form/function)? (5-7-10 points)
  • Is the board well designed (color/form/function)? (5-7-10 points)
  • Additional comments/feedback (optional for EC)

You must also play 3 games and email me an assessment as part of your final grade.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Final Assessment- Games

Do Now: Spend 10-15 minutes working on projects for your other classes, and studying in small groups for your finals.

Classwork: Complete any needed work on your game board. Game board and ALL pieces, cards, and directions are DUE MONDAY JUNE 4.

HW: Complete any needed pieces for the game board.

Do Now: Gather up your game boards, rules, and pieces and move to the tables. If you worked on a video game (Scratch or Jeopardy style), please open it on your computer.

Classwork: Rotate around to play at least 4 games for 10 minutes each.

Grade each game for

  • How fun is it? (5-7-10 points)
  • How original is it? (5-7-10 Points)
  • Does it make sense? (5-7-10 points)
  • Are the pieces well designed (color/form/function)? (5-7-10 points)
  • Is the board well designed (color/form/function)? (5-7-10 points)
  • Additional comments/feedback (optional for EC)
Exit ticket: Hand in game assessment forms

HW: Complete your essay for Mr. Lofaro (due tomorrow) or project for Ms Gold (due Monday)