Monday, May 14, 2012

Design a Game- May 14 - 18

 DO NOW: Check out some example games and how-to sites
You will work with ONE PARTNER to design a board game. Come up with questions and answers, design and make the board, write directions, create the game pieces, and then teach another group how to play it.

To do this, you will need to research your topic thoroughly enough to come up with questions to be answered (and you will need to know the answers). Use MORE than the internet. You will need to document your resources.

Do this:
1. Choose partners. Determine your theme and how your game will be played; 1 day
2. Research your theme; 2 days
3. Brainstorm ideas for the layout of the board and how the game will be played; 1 day
4. Create a rough draft of the board and pieces on paper (HOMEWORK)
5. Create the final board: 2 days
6. Create the question cards and game pieces. Type and mount the rules. 2 days
7. Play the game yourselves; work out any "bugs:" 1 day
8. Teach another team to play it. 1 day (same day as #7)
9. Evaluate the games. 1 day

HOMEWORK: Think about your game, rough drafts of board and pieces

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