Monday, May 21, 2012

Week of May 21-25

Do Now (15-20 min. daily):
Work on your PPT for Romero (Julius Caesar), FINAL PROJECT for Gold, or your McCarthyism/Crucible paper for Lofaro. You may also study for math/biology finals.

Continue working on your video or board games from last week.

HW: Bring in any supplies you will need for your game board. I will provide boards, paper, print-outs, and markers. You may need glue sticks or scissors, or any special supplies.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Game Day

DO NOW: In an email to please write out

1. Game Name and Theme (Purpose)
2. Directions and brief description
3. Detailed rules for playing your game

Think about
  • Is the game meant purely for enjoyment purposes, educational purposes, or a mixture of both?
  • What is the minimum and maximum number of players that can play?
  • How many spaces on the board / variations on the story will you need to keep the game interesting for multiple plays?
  • What are the pieces needed for the game? (Players' markers, dice, cards, etc.)
  • What is the end goal of the game? Do players race to reach a final destination (like in Candy Land) or compete to accumulate goodies (like in Monopoly)?
4. ONE DESIGN from or Photoshop or Google Draw. This can be your
  • Logo 
  • Game pieces (players, money, cards, etc)
  • Board

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wed May 16

Do Now:
10th grade: Spend 10-15 minutes working on either Ms. Gold's Philadelphia issues project, or researching and writing your essay on the crucible for Mr. Lofaro.

9th Grade: Study vocab words for English

Continue working on your game. Detailed directions are found at:
You can use these as examples BUT ALL ELEMENTS (game board, pieces, questions, cards, logo) MUST BE ORIGINAL.

Bring in a sketch of your board and pieces

Monday, May 14, 2012

Design a Game- May 14 - 18

 DO NOW: Check out some example games and how-to sites
You will work with ONE PARTNER to design a board game. Come up with questions and answers, design and make the board, write directions, create the game pieces, and then teach another group how to play it.

To do this, you will need to research your topic thoroughly enough to come up with questions to be answered (and you will need to know the answers). Use MORE than the internet. You will need to document your resources.

Do this:
1. Choose partners. Determine your theme and how your game will be played; 1 day
2. Research your theme; 2 days
3. Brainstorm ideas for the layout of the board and how the game will be played; 1 day
4. Create a rough draft of the board and pieces on paper (HOMEWORK)
5. Create the final board: 2 days
6. Create the question cards and game pieces. Type and mount the rules. 2 days
7. Play the game yourselves; work out any "bugs:" 1 day
8. Teach another team to play it. 1 day (same day as #7)
9. Evaluate the games. 1 day

HOMEWORK: Think about your game, rough drafts of board and pieces

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fiesta Latina this Friday!

Hey Con High!

Please come out with your friends and family this Friday to support our Spanish club and their fundraising efforts to get to Mexico!

THIS FRIDAY MAY 11, 5:30-7:30 pm
Constitution HS 18 S. 7th St
$5 in advance $7 at the door

Food, music, dancing, performances and MORE!!!