Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday April 23

Welcome Back!

Mods 1-2 & 3-4:
Complete your iMovie and share it (Export using Quicktime).
Exit Ticket: Please email it to mirandagt2014 or use the class flash drive to save.

Mods 5-6 & 7-8:
Do Now: Class Discussion.
  1. Please type up your expectations and hopes for this term. What do you like about technology? What is frustrating? What would you like to learn this term?
  2. When  complete, please go to and begin to play with the tools and features. Create an account so that you can save your work.
Exit ticket: Email with your expectations.

Mods 9&10:
Do Now: Open Garageband in your Applications folder
Classwork: On your own or working with a partner, begin constructing a song in Garageband. Your song must be one minute long, have a hook/chorus, and at least 12 lines of lyrics.
Exit ticket: Email what you learned in Garageband today, and any problems you found.

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