Thursday, February 2, 2012

Web 2.0 and Graphic Design

Do Now: Class discussion of web 2.0 and impact on school and personal use

  1. Go to and create an account. Join my 2014 Page with code 51mb5m
  2. Explore other Web 2.0 applications. You can find several at
  3. In an email to, please describe
  • What Web 2.0 do you use and why
  • What should be open that is currently blocked? Why should it be opened?
  • What should be blocked that isn't? Why?
  • Is there anything that is blocked that should be filtered/blocked? Why?
Time permitting: Continue working on graphic design explorations from Monday

Homework: Continue to collect visually interesting photos, ads, and objects for nextweek's design project. Think about who you would like to work with. AT LEAST 4 items/photos DUE TOMORROW (FRI FEB 3)

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