Monday, November 28, 2011

Welcome 9th Graders!

Do Now: Create a gmail account or sign into your gmail account


1. Take a picture of yourself in Photobooth. Rename it Your First name Last Initial

2. Attach it to an email to

3. In the email, write your NHD topic, thesis, partners, and type of project you’d like to work on (documentary, website, performance, paper, or exhibit)

4. Copy one primary source link on your topic into the email

5. Send the email

Homework: Read 10 pages in your library books on NHD topic.

Example: Hi, My name is ______ 1. My NHD Topic is ______________________. My partners are_____________________. My thesis is __________________________. I would like to create a documentary, paper, website, exhibit, performance

Primary Source Link http://____________

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