Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How To Search on Google

Use THESE TIPS to improve Google Search

Tues Nov 29

Do Now: Go to http://easybib.com and log in with your Gmail Account

Presentation on creating bibliography and annotations in easy bib
Presentation on using google books for primary and secondary research

Independent: Create annotations and citations in Easy Bib - ONE secondary source and ONE primary source.

Homework- Continue reading on topic

Monday, November 28, 2011

Welcome 9th Graders!

Do Now: Create a gmail account or sign into your gmail account


1. Take a picture of yourself in Photobooth. Rename it Your First name Last Initial

2. Attach it to an email to mirandagt2014@gmail.com

3. In the email, write your NHD topic, thesis, partners, and type of project you’d like to work on (documentary, website, performance, paper, or exhibit)

4. Copy one primary source link on your topic into the email

5. Send the email

Homework: Read 10 pages in your library books on NHD topic.

Example: Hi, My name is ______ 1. My NHD Topic is ______________________. My partners are_____________________. My thesis is __________________________. I would like to create a documentary, paper, website, exhibit, performance

Primary Source Link http://____________

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Give Thanks!

Do Now: Read How to Write a Thank you Note

Classwork: Take two minutes to think about people in your life who have helped you recently-family, friends, classmates, teachers. Using advice from the article, take markers and paper and write thank you notes to those people. Design and embellish as you like.

Homework: Practice a random act of kindness this weekend- wash the dishes without being asked; hold the door open for a stranger; pick up some litter on your way to the bus stop. Be thankful for your youth, your health, your intelligence, and for all the people who care for you.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thurs. Nov 17

Do Now: Open up the worksheets

Continue primary source research

Homework: Reading research

Monday, November 14, 2011


Do Now: Make sure you have emailed me your topic selection essay- mirandagt2014@gmail.com

Choice #1: Continue research and analysis of primary sources for NHD. Begin project construction - especially work on writing the script, story board, captions.

Choice #2 Artist Research Project

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wed Nov 9

Do Now: Create an account on nhd.weebly.com to try out.

Direct Instruction: NHD weebly - types of projects that would work for website design

Independent: Look over http://www.designer-daily.com/50-great-websites-designs-for-your-inspiration-2372

Continue to find primary sources to build your project
Work on topic essay (9th grade)

Exit ticket: Would your project work as website? Why or why not?

Homework: Continue research and reading.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Mon Nov 7

Do Now: Check your email for missing work assignment from teacher

Teacher presentation on iMovie and Documentary best practices
http://www.filmmakingstuff.com/12-tips-how-to-make-a-documentary/ iMovie (Documentary)

Open iMovie and experiment with adding photos and voiceovers
Continue finding primary sources for your project

Email me what you learned and what kind of project you would like to construct.

Homework: Complete any missing assignments for the term.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Fri Nov 4

Do Now: Review of Research Techniques (Textedit, Spreeder, iTunes, Databases, Youtube)

Classwork: Work on your topic selection essay (10th grade) and 2 minute pitch (9th grade) for NHD classes.

Homework: Topic Selection Essay and NHD Pitch are DUE MONDAY! Finish any incomplete work for the week.

Thursday Nov 3

Do Now: Open iTunes Store

Direct: Teacher Demonstration of using iTunes to find podcasts and other materials for your topics
Independent: Listen to a podcast or video (pbs, history.com) on your topic (headphones). If you did not bring headphones, you must continue using spreeder.com to speed read your research articles

Homework/Exit Ticket: Email mirandagt2014@gmail.com with a summary of today's research

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

WED Nov 2

Do Now: Open Text Edit in your Applications Folder

Teacher Presentation on using Textedit for Text to Speech (Read articles aloud)
Teacher presentation on using Spreeder.com (refresher)

Copy and paste an article on your research topic into spreeder or textedit to spped read or read aloud.

Exit Ticket:
Email mirandagt2014@gmail.com with a summary of what you learned about your topic today. Focus on the ESP (Economic, Social, Political)

Homework: Continue working on your topic selection essay

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tues Nov 1

Do Now: Find a text based article on your NHD topic. Select the text and go to Edit-> Copy

Follow presentation on using SPREEDER


Edit -> Paste info from your research into the spreeder box

Use settings to adjust to 300-400 wpm

Read your selection

Summarize what you read in your google docs/easy bib for NHD

Homework: Continue working on research and topic selection essay for NHD