Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tues Nov 30 Period 1 and 2 A-M

1. Preview NHD Websites
What was successful? What needed improvement?
Discuss what goes into making a website.

2. Preview NHD Documentaries
What was successful? What needed improvement?
Discuss what goes into making a documentary.

3. TIME PERMITTING- Preview performance

Assessment: Email ideas for your project to mirandagt2014@gmail.com

Mon. Nov 29 Period 1 and 2 A-M

Do NOW Period 1:
EMAIL mirandagt2014@gmail.com
  1. Your topic 2. Who you are working with (except paper) 3. Type of product you'd like to do (exhibit, performance, website, documentary or paper) 4. History teacher and period
  1. Lincoln Douglas Debate 2.John D and Jane D. 3. Documentar 4. Period 2 Ackerman
Do NOW Period 2: Email mirandagt2014@gmail.com with your thesis statement and brief summary of how you would like to construct your project (Brainstorm ideas)

Continue process of researching and brainstorming ideas for your NHD project. We will being meeting for project construction on MON DEC 6 (Doc, Web, paper with me; Exhibit and performance with Krauss)

ASSESSMENT: Email and observations of classwork/research

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