Monday, January 30, 2012

Welcome to the 2nd Semester!

I am happy to be able to work with you on graphic design, media editing and sharing, and beginning programming.

Our curriculum is pretty open. I want you to have a range of useful skills that you will need in your personal and business life. I want to expand your appreciation and ability in the arts- both traditional and new media. I want us to foster an engaging, supportive, and fun learning environment. What do you want to gain from this class?

Do Now: If you do not have a gmail address, create one now. ALL STUDENTS: Send me an email ( and outline what you would like to learn in this semester of visual arts, as well as 3 things that are important to you or about you.

Begin looking at these photos from around the world. Once you find a couple that you love, start to explore the country/city that they are from. You have several choices on how to go from here:
  1. Create a series of postcards from the place including written accounts of what you did there ( or through Google Documents->Drawing
  2. Create a travel brochure highlighting things to do and places to stay/eat (
  3. Download Google's 3D modeling software SKETCH-UP ( to your desktop. Play around with the tools. See if there are any 3D models of buildings from the city you chose. See if you can begin building a 3D model of a building.
  4. Experiment with Google Drawing (in Documents). Can you recreate the photo using the tools available? Probably not. Try
Closure: Make sure you save your work and have sent the Do Now email.

Homework: Bring in something that you found visually interesting. It can be 3D (object), 2D (photo, magazine, flyer), or take a picture with your phone of something in your environment. Think about what makes it striking (color, line, composition, etc).

1 comment:

  1. In response to questions that came up:

    You can CHOOSE any of the four. You may complete more than one type.

    You may use similar templates, design sites, or programs.
