Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Continue working on building your NHD project in preparation for your midterm.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Do Now: Email mirandagt2014@gmail.com with your:
  • Political impact of your topic
  • Economic impact of your topic
  • Social/cultural impact of your topic
  • Your Bibliography (easy bib)
  • Your Inspiration flowchart
Classwork: Continue researching and building your project. SAVE ALL SOURCES - including photos, maps, videos, etc to your easybib

Homework: Read and take notes on your topic

Friday, December 16, 2011


Do Now: Open easybib.com and your Google Documents collection.


Continue to find primary sources on your topic to add to your project
Create citations and annotations (summaries) for each source your find
Save all work to easy bib and Google docs collection
Continue to work on building your project - nhd.weebly.com, iMovie, Inspiration (brainstorming and planning)
SHARE or EMAIL ALL of your work with mirandagt2014@gmail.com
  1. Inspiration (planning documents)
  2. Easybib (research citations)
  3. Anything you have written so far (script, storyboards, captions, papers, etc)

Homework: Read and research your topic. Complete any missing assignments.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wed Dec 14

Yearbook/Desktop Publishing:

Do Now: Log into your pages at yearbookave.com

Add relevant photos and captions to spreads.
Senior quotes should be added from the papers we got back yesterday.
Edit videos.

Homework: Remind seniors via text, FB, Twitter and IN PERSON to
  • Return proofs to Vogue
  • Bring in baby pics
  • Submit quotes

Art History

Do Now: Open Inspiration

Direct Instruction: Using Inspiration for concept mapping

Independent: Map out the flow of your NHD project (main ideas and supporting evidence)

HW: Read 10 pages on your topic from your library book

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Continue working on annotations

Individual brainstorming for performance, documentary and paper

Friday, December 9, 2011

NHD Projects

Good morning!

I am very pleased with the bibliographies I have seen from your class.

For today, finish up any work for the week that you need more info- MONEY AND LAWS.

Add ALL resources you use/read to EASYBIB.COM

ALSO, if you know you want to work on a website, create an account at nhd.weebly.com and begin to get a feel for how the site works.

Homework: Continue to read and research on your topic.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Politics- Part 2 Thurs Dec 8

Do Now: Complete any research on how laws, patents, politics helped create your revolution.

Primary Source Analysis
How did your revolution change the political landscape at the time? How have laws, patents, politics been impacted because of your revolution/reform?

Use easybib.com to annotate your sources

Use Google Docs to write up your research analysis- At least 15 sentences on political impact of your topic.

Homework: Complete any missing assignments and continue reading about your topic (10 pages per night).

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Do Now: Finish up any research and annotations on economic impact on and of your topic

Discussion of political impact on topic using student examples
Research how politics (including: laws, patents, Jim Crow, Constitutional amendments, etc) helped or hurt your revolution as it began. What laws were in place when your revolution happened? Was your topic a revolution against or a reform of any laws? How did politics shape the society that was in place when your revolution happened?

Closure: Add all research sites to your EASYBIB account.

Homework: Continue reading and thinking about your topic.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Economics- Part 2 Tues Dec 6

Do Now- Log in to easybib.com and gmail.com

Classwork: Research (using a variety of primary and secondary sources) to find how economics were IMPACTED BY your revolution? How did money change hands? Who got paid? Who lost?

Closure: Save all links and annotations to easybib

Homework: Email mirandagt2014@gmail.com with a brief summary of how money influenced your revolution, and how your revolution influenced economic structures (money, laws related to money, taxes, etc).

Monday, December 5, 2011

Mon Dec 5- Economics and NHD

Do Now; Open Easybib and Google Docs

Classwork: Begin researching the economic (MONEY) factors that contributed to your NHD topic. You can try searching for ;

"Economic factors women's sufferage (or John Brown, or Jazz Age, or American Revolution, etc)"
"How did money play a role in the ____________ revolution?"
"did the wealthy contribute to the reforms made by _____________?'

See me with questions on how to apply to your topic.

HOMEWORK: Bring in a book on your topic.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fri Dec 2

Do Now: Email mirandagt2014@gmail.com and attach any primary source images (photos, maps, manuscripts, charts, etc) or text (captions, descriptions) that you need for your timeline poster.

Classwork: Work on you Political Impact paper (DUE MON DEC 5)

Homework: Complete your political impact paper