Monday, September 26, 2011

NHD 2012

YEARBOOK- Use (2012, Job # 17805, your log in and password) to work on theme and layout

All other classes:
Monday September 26 -Wed. September 28

Do Now:
To prepare for National History Day 2012: Revolutions, Reactions, and Reforms, we will be using this week to work on webquests related to revolutions- both actual and of ideas.

CHOOSE ONE WEBQUEST and its related activity to complete:
Email your weekly reflection/summary of what you learned to

Closure: Save all your answers/work to Google Docs, MS Word, or your blog. I will check your progress on Monday October 3.

Homework: Consider how your research for this website could translate to a project for NHD.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Do Now: Complete your presentation on personality.

SAVE to email, google docs or flashdrive

Monday, September 19, 2011

MONDAY September 19

Do Now: Read about your type on
Add what you learn to your presentation on your personality type

Continue to complete your personality presentation. (Requirements here)

Homework: Discuss what you learned about your type with a family member or friend. What type do you think they are?


DO NOW: Update the laptop or desktop to which you were assigned. Tech club members or Ms Thompson will be around to assist. Clean up desktop and note any issues (missing software, no printer, no internet, etc.) on teh sticky provided

Classwork: Continue to work on your personality project.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Personality Project

DUE THURS. Sept 22

1. Students will work individually or in small groups based on their personality type.
2. Students will research their type to create a presentation (Powerpoint, iMovie, skit) or information source (newsletter, brochure, iWeb, poster) for their group.
3. Students will receive 10 points per day for research, participation, and project construction (50 points total). The end project will be 100 points (rubric will follow).

Work in groups based on your personality type to design a presentation on your type.
  • What is Personality? How does it affect us?
  • Overview/summary of your type
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Percentage of Population
  • Subcategories
  • Study Skills
  • Career Possibilities
  • Famous Faces of Your Type
  • Symbols of Your Type
  • Relationships
  • Compatible Personalities
  • Conflicting Personalities
  • Conclusions- Do you agree or disagree? Why? What did you learn about yourself and others?


Personality Overview:

You may use any of the following
Powerpoint, iMovie, ComicLife, iWeb, Microsoft Word, Pages, Garageband

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Personality Inventory

Objective: Learn about individual strengths and areas to improve through online personality assessments

Do Now: Log in to (use your gmail id and password).

Write YOUR definition of PERSONALITY and TEN words that describe your personality.

Follow teacher directions for completing the Keirsey personality inventory:

When test is complete, write up what your type is and what you learned about yourself on your blog post for today. COPY AND PAST YOUR RESULTS onto your blog!

Homework: Ask a family member to describe your personality and discuss what you learned today.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Welcome BACK!!!

1. Students will creat a gmail account to facilitate communication between peers and staff.

2. Students will create a google blog to post reflections and assignments as part of their electronic portfolio.

3. Students will learn to use Photobooth to take a self-portrait.

Do Now:
Use Photobooth to take a self portrait- front facing and profile (side facing). Drag your photos to the desktop. Rename the file as your first name and first initial of your last name- example- JaneD-front.jpg and JaneD-side.jpg

Class Activities:

1. Follow teacher directions for signing into gmail
2. Write your artist statement and add photos to an email to

Complete any unfinished class activites