Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
- Political impact of your topic
- Economic impact of your topic
- Social/cultural impact of your topic
- Your Bibliography (easy bib)
- Your Inspiration flowchart
Homework: Read and take notes on your topic
Friday, December 16, 2011
Continue to find primary sources on your topic to add to your project
Create citations and annotations (summaries) for each source your find
Save all work to easy bib and Google docs collection
Continue to work on building your project - nhd.weebly.com, iMovie, Inspiration (brainstorming and planning)
SHARE or EMAIL ALL of your work with mirandagt2014@gmail.com
- Inspiration (planning documents)
- Easybib (research citations)
- Anything you have written so far (script, storyboards, captions, papers, etc)
Homework: Read and research your topic. Complete any missing assignments.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Wed Dec 14
Do Now: Log into your pages at yearbookave.com
Add relevant photos and captions to spreads.
Senior quotes should be added from the papers we got back yesterday.
Edit videos.
Homework: Remind seniors via text, FB, Twitter and IN PERSON to
- Return proofs to Vogue
- Bring in baby pics
- Submit quotes
Art History
Do Now: Open Inspiration
Direct Instruction: Using Inspiration for concept mapping
Independent: Map out the flow of your NHD project (main ideas and supporting evidence)
HW: Read 10 pages on your topic from your library book
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
NHD Projects
I am very pleased with the bibliographies I have seen from your class.
For today, finish up any work for the week that you need more info- MONEY AND LAWS.
Add ALL resources you use/read to EASYBIB.COM
ALSO, if you know you want to work on a website, create an account at nhd.weebly.com and begin to get a feel for how the site works.
Homework: Continue to read and research on your topic.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Politics- Part 2 Thurs Dec 8
Primary Source Analysis
How did your revolution change the political landscape at the time? How have laws, patents, politics been impacted because of your revolution/reform?
Use easybib.com to annotate your sources
Use Google Docs to write up your research analysis- At least 15 sentences on political impact of your topic.
Homework: Complete any missing assignments and continue reading about your topic (10 pages per night).
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Discussion of political impact on topic using student examples
Research how politics (including: laws, patents, Jim Crow, Constitutional amendments, etc) helped or hurt your revolution as it began. What laws were in place when your revolution happened? Was your topic a revolution against or a reform of any laws? How did politics shape the society that was in place when your revolution happened?
Closure: Add all research sites to your EASYBIB account.
Homework: Continue reading and thinking about your topic.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Economics- Part 2 Tues Dec 6
Classwork: Research (using a variety of primary and secondary sources) to find how economics were IMPACTED BY your revolution? How did money change hands? Who got paid? Who lost?
Closure: Save all links and annotations to easybib
Homework: Email mirandagt2014@gmail.com with a brief summary of how money influenced your revolution, and how your revolution influenced economic structures (money, laws related to money, taxes, etc).
Monday, December 5, 2011
Mon Dec 5- Economics and NHD
Classwork: Begin researching the economic (MONEY) factors that contributed to your NHD topic. You can try searching for ;
"Economic factors women's sufferage (or John Brown, or Jazz Age, or American Revolution, etc)"
"How did money play a role in the ____________ revolution?"
"did the wealthy contribute to the reforms made by _____________?'
See me with questions on how to apply to your topic.
HOMEWORK: Bring in a book on your topic.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Fri Dec 2
Classwork: Work on you Political Impact paper (DUE MON DEC 5)
Homework: Complete your political impact paper
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tues Nov 29
Presentation on creating bibliography and annotations in easy bib
Homework- Continue reading on topic
Monday, November 28, 2011
Welcome 9th Graders!
Do Now: Create a gmail account or sign into your gmail account
1. Take a picture of yourself in Photobooth. Rename it Your First name Last Initial
2. Attach it to an email to mirandagt2014@gmail.com
3. In the email, write your NHD topic, thesis, partners, and type of project you’d like to work on (documentary, website, performance, paper, or exhibit)
4. Copy one primary source link on your topic into the email
5. Send the email
Homework: Read 10 pages in your library books on NHD topic.
Example: Hi, My name is ______ 1. My NHD Topic is ______________________. My partners are_____________________. My thesis is __________________________. I would like to create a documentary, paper, website, exhibit, performance
Primary Source Link http://____________
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Give Thanks!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thurs. Nov 17
Continue primary source research
Homework: Reading research
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Wed. NOV 16: Primary Sources
ANALYZING Primary sources
Use one of the worksheets (depending on type of source)
Find Primary Sources:
Library of Congress
National Archives
Duke Legal Library
Monday, November 14, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Wed Nov 9
Direct Instruction: NHD weebly - types of projects that would work for website design
Independent: Look over http://www.designer-daily.com/50-great-websites-designs-for-your-inspiration-2372
Continue to find primary sources to build your project
Work on topic essay (9th grade)
Exit ticket: Would your project work as website? Why or why not?
Homework: Continue research and reading.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Mon Nov 7
Teacher presentation on iMovie and Documentary best practices
http://www.filmmakingstuff.com/12-tips-how-to-make-a-documentary/ iMovie (Documentary)
Open iMovie and experiment with adding photos and voiceovers
Continue finding primary sources for your project
Email me what you learned and what kind of project you would like to construct.
Homework: Complete any missing assignments for the term.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Fri Nov 4
Classwork: Work on your topic selection essay (10th grade) and 2 minute pitch (9th grade) for NHD classes.
Homework: Topic Selection Essay and NHD Pitch are DUE MONDAY! Finish any incomplete work for the week.
Thursday Nov 3
Do Now: Open iTunes Store
Direct: Teacher Demonstration of using iTunes to find podcasts and other materials for your topics
Independent: Listen to a podcast or video (pbs, history.com) on your topic (headphones). If you did not bring headphones, you must continue using spreeder.com to speed read your research articles
Homework/Exit Ticket: Email mirandagt2014@gmail.com with a summary of today's research
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
WED Nov 2
Teacher Presentation on using Textedit for Text to Speech (Read articles aloud)
Teacher presentation on using Spreeder.com (refresher)
Copy and paste an article on your research topic into spreeder or textedit to spped read or read aloud.
Exit Ticket:
Email mirandagt2014@gmail.com with a summary of what you learned about your topic today. Focus on the ESP (Economic, Social, Political)
Homework: Continue working on your topic selection essay
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Tues Nov 1
Follow presentation on using SPREEDER

Edit -> Paste info from your research into the spreeder box
Use settings to adjust to 300-400 wpm

Read your selection
Summarize what you read in your google docs/easy bib for NHD

Homework: Continue working on research and topic selection essay for NHD
Monday, October 31, 2011
Mon Oct 31
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wed. Oct 26
Independent: When finished the test, go to a computer and continue researching your topic. Pay attention to areas that you missed on the test.
Guided: When everyone is finished, we will have a class discussion of where we go from here.
Homework: Email me an answer to one of the questions you missed for 20 points EC
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
What is your NHD topic? (10 pts)
Why did you choose this topic? (5 pts)
Who are your partners (if working alone, put none) (5pts) _
Vocabulary (5 pts each)
Define Primary Source: _
Define Secondary Source:_
Define Tertiary Source:
Define Annotation:
What is the difference between revolution and reform?
Discuss three ECONOMIC ($$$) factors that CAUSED/CONTRIBUTED TO your NHD topic (15 pts):
Discuss three POLITICAL (or laws) factors that CAUSED/CONTRIBUTED TO your NHD topic (15 pts):
Discuss three SOCIAL/CULTURAL factors that CAUSED/CONTRIBUTED TO your NHD topic(15 pts):
1. _
What impact did your NHD topic have on the ECONOMY ($$$)? (10pts)
What impact did your NHD topic have on the law/politics?(10pts)
What impact did your NHD topic have on SOCIETY? (10pts)
Monday, October 24, 2011
Monday Oct 24
- and THREE ECONOMIC factors that caused your NHD topic
Friday, October 21, 2011
Fri Oct 21
Classwork: Continue using Google Books, search, and databases to find and ointerpret primary source documents for your NHD project.
Homework: Continue reading on your NHD topic. Study for TEST on WED OCT 26
- Sparticus Educational
- Library of Congress
Search millions of historic images
http://www.loc.gov/index.html Library of Congress
http://www.archives.gov/education/ National Archives
http://www.gilderlehrman.org/ Gilder Lehrmen (podcasts, info, photos, primary sources)
http://www.pbs.org/ PBS
http://www.history.com/ (History channel)
The Met http://www.metmuseum.org
http://www.time.com/time/time100/artists/ Time Magazine- 100 Most Influential
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
- Student presentation of NHD exhibit board- Jewish Immigration
- Check out http://16999823.nhd.weebly.
com/ (NHD website) - Critiques of web and boards
- Independent research and annotations on NHD topic
Monday, October 17, 2011
Monday Oct 17
Friday, October 14, 2011
Friday Oct 14
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Classwork: Begin researching the economic factors that contributed to your NHD topic. You can try searching for ;
"Economic factors women's sufferage (or John Brown, or Jazz Age, or American Revolution, etc)"
"How did money play a role in the ____________ revolution?"
"did the wealthy contribute to the reforms made by _____________?'
See me with questions on how to apply to your topic.
HOMEWORK: Bring in a book on your topic.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Tuesday OCT 11
Aristotle: Causes of revolution in politics
Use dictionary.com to define any terms you do not know (qualitative, polity, oligarchy, antagonism)On your google docs, write about what causes revolutions according to Aristotle. How are the causes different in democracies, oligarchies, and aristocracies?
How does this apply to your NHD topic?
Begin researching the factors that contributed to your NHD revolution.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Open up Gmail/google docs, easybib.com and freelibrary.org
- Teacher presentation on using freelibrary.org
- Independent practice on finding information and books on the free library site
- Putting a hold a book you need for research (use your pin)
- EMAIL mirandagt2014@gmail.com with at LEAST 3 books (TITLE, AUTHOR, CALL #) on your NHD topic
- Choose one current event (Jobs death, Occupy Philly, Nobel prize awarded to 3 women, etc) and think about how these events will be seen in 30 years.(DUES TUES OCT 11)
- Go to the library at check out at least 3 books on your topic (DUE OCT 14)
Thursday, October 6, 2011
- Presentation/refresher on google books and easybib
- Independent practice finding primary and secondary sources on your topic in google books, and annotations in easybib.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Tues Oct 4 and Wed Oct 5
- Discuss difference and similarity between revolution and reform movements.
- Read about the Haitian Revolution.
- Write a summary of what you learned and email/share it with me
- Continue to research your topic.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Monday Oct 3
Direct Instruction: Assessment and discussion of revolutions.
Independent Work: Email me or share on Google Docs
- Three web links on your topic
- Summary of your topic/what you have learned so far
- Three questions you want to examine for further research
Homework: Come in with a book title on your topic for our trip to the Free Library
Monday, September 26, 2011
NHD 2012
All other classes:
Monday September 26 -Wed. September 28
Do Now:
To prepare for National History Day 2012: Revolutions, Reactions, and Reforms, we will be using this week to work on webquests related to revolutions- both actual and of ideas.
CHOOSE ONE WEBQUEST and its related activity to complete:
- American Revolutionary War / Newspaper
- Industrial Revolution /Editorial
- Scientific Revolution /Worksheets
- China's Cultural Revolution (4 students)
- Slavery and the American Revolution / Museum Exhibit
- Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution / Handout
- Literature and Revolution / Paper
Closure: Save all your answers/work to Google Docs, MS Word, or your blog. I will check your progress on Monday October 3.
Homework: Consider how your research for this website could translate to a project for NHD.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
MONDAY September 19
Add what you learn to your presentation on your personality type
Continue to complete your personality presentation. (Requirements here)
Homework: Discuss what you learned about your type with a family member or friend. What type do you think they are?
DO NOW: Update the laptop or desktop to which you were assigned. Tech club members or Ms Thompson will be around to assist. Clean up desktop and note any issues (missing software, no printer, no internet, etc.) on teh sticky provided
Classwork: Continue to work on your personality project.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Personality Project
1. Students will work individually or in small groups based on their personality type.
2. Students will research their type to create a presentation (Powerpoint, iMovie, skit) or information source (newsletter, brochure, iWeb, poster) for their group.
3. Students will receive 10 points per day for research, participation, and project construction (50 points total). The end project will be 100 points (rubric will follow).
Work in groups based on your personality type to design a presentation on your type.
- What is Personality? How does it affect us?
- Overview/summary of your type
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Percentage of Population
- Subcategories
- Study Skills
- Career Possibilities
- Famous Faces of Your Type
- Symbols of Your Type
- Relationships
- Compatible Personalities
- Conflicting Personalities
- Conclusions- Do you agree or disagree? Why? What did you learn about yourself and others?
Work: http://www.keirsey.com/personalityzone/wz2.asp
School: http://www.keirsey.com/personalityzone/cz1.asp
Relationships: http://www.keirsey.com/personalityzone/lz1.asp
Personality Overview: http://psychology.about.com/od/overviewofpersonality/a/persondef.htm
You may use any of the following
Powerpoint, iMovie, ComicLife, iWeb, Microsoft Word, Pages, Garageband
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Personality Inventory
Do Now: Log in to blogger.com (use your gmail id and password).
Write YOUR definition of PERSONALITY and TEN words that describe your personality.
Follow teacher directions for completing the Keirsey personality inventory:
When test is complete, write up what your type is and what you learned about yourself on your blog post for today. COPY AND PAST YOUR RESULTS onto your blog!

Homework: Ask a family member to describe your personality and discuss what you learned today.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Welcome BACK!!!
1. Students will creat a gmail account to facilitate communication between peers and staff.
2. Students will create a google blog to post reflections and assignments as part of their electronic portfolio.
3. Students will learn to use Photobooth to take a self-portrait.
Do Now:
Use Photobooth to take a self portrait- front facing and profile (side facing). Drag your photos to the desktop. Rename the file as your first name and first initial of your last name- example- JaneD-front.jpg and JaneD-side.jpg
Class Activities:
1. Follow teacher directions for signing into gmail
2. Write your artist statement and add photos to an email to mirandagt2014@gmail.com
Complete any unfinished class activites
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Tues. Jan 25
DO NOW: Math Practice:
Assignment: English Practice:
1. Headline News Story Search for a modern day news story that mirrors an event that occurred in the Romeo and Juliet. Write a short summary on your blog with links to the original news story.
2. Instant Messages or Text Messages Rewrite a dialogue between two characters from Romeo and Juliet in modern-day format as if it took place online through instant messages or texts.
3. What if? Describe a scene from Romeo and Juliet that you believe would have been radically different given the existence of a certain piece of advanced high-tech equipment. Name the item and describe how and why the scene would have been different, and how it would have affected the outcome of the play.
4. Reality TV Show Imagine that the characters are part of a reality TV show. Rewrite a scene from the text as it would have been caught from the surveillance cameras of the show.
OR if you are continuing in the competition, work on your NHD project.
Begin brainstorming and researching ideas for your senior project/research paper.
Monday, January 24, 2011
NHD Reflection

1. Sign in to your email and start an email to mirandagt2014@gmail.com
Write an IN DEPTH reflection of the NHD Process (300-500 words)
- What debates did you have with your partners, teachers, your friends and yourself during the NHD process? How did you resolve these debates?
- What were your successes?
- What were your failures?
- What were the consequences?